2 Years of Bee Venom Therapy: Lessons Learned

World Bee Day is celebrated on May 20. On this day Anton Janša, the pioneer of beekeeping, was born in 1734. The purpose of the international day is to acknowledge the role of bees and other pollinators for the ecosystem. 

HAPPY WORLD BEE DAY! Today marks two years of healing with Bee Venom Therapy (BVT). I can’t think of a better day to reflect on this wild, life-saving ride. I learn something new from the bees daily through the practice of bee stinging and bee keeping. It’s an honor and passion of mine to share their ancient wisdom with this modern world. 

10 life lessons learned from Bee Venom Therapy:

  1. Patience. Period! This is not a quick fix. 

  2. Presence. It’s the space in between those mundane, distraction free moments that often bring the most clarity.

  3. Perspective. Change how you see things, and see how things change.

  4. Pain is temporary. Feeling is healing. You can either run from it or learn from it. 

  5. Deep Breathing. It will see you through. 

  6. The Power of Ritual. Repetition helps us access our personal power within. 

  7. LOVE is the highest vibration. Bees buzz at 528 HZ, the vibration of love. This Solfeggio frequency is thought to resonate at the core of everything found in nature. This frequency connects our heart, spirit and the divine harmony of the natural world. Side effects include heightened awareness, clarity, creativity and inner peace.

  8. The Biology of Belief. You truly can do anything you set your mind to. Master that which lives in the subconscious (below awareness) mind. 

  9. You create your reality. As soon as you make peace with the past there is freedom in your future.

  10. Trust. The universe, God, a higher power (whatever you wish to call it) always has your back. 

Bee Venom Therapy is a modality that has been around for thousands of years to treat chronic conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS and other immune disorders. The live bee venom is ANTI - inflammatory, bacterial, viral, parasitic and essentially a very powerful immune modulator. Bee venom works under the homeopathic principle in that small doses heal. 

I’ve followed a DIY 2-3 year protocol created by Ellie Lobel, specifically ‘Bee Venom Therapy for Lyme disease’. I sting 10 times per session, 1 inch on either side of my spine, three sessions per week. The venom brings balance to the body, while I focus on detoxification in between sessions. 

After treating Lyme holistically for over a decade, I can confidently say I am free from chronic pain, mysterious symptoms and the debilitating neurological issues that often manifest from this disease process. I plan to stop stinging in September 2021 and hope to continue beekeeping for life!

Want to learn more about healing with bees? I’ve linked a few resources below!

Beginner’s Guide To Bee Venom Therapy: My journey to bee venom therapy and how to get started on a journey of your own.  

Queen of the Sun: What are the bees telling us? A profound documentary and alternative look at the bee-crisis. 

Bee Girl Org: Through research projects and education programs we are regenerating soil, bees, and communities. 80% of the proceeds from every BVT guide goes directly to Bee Girl Org in 2021. 

Note: This is for informational purposes only. Please consult your health care practitioner when implementing supplements or a protocol of your own. 

ABOUT: Adriana is a holistic health coach from Orlando, FL. She is the creator at Something Healing. Something Healing focuses on subconscious healing with PSYCH-K®, educating on apitherapy and Organic, plant based living for the community at large.

Adriana Furey